Financial Advice for Women in the UK

Face to face financial advice tailored to you 

We understand women face unique financial challenges that men do not. This includes increased life expectancy, career breaks for childcare, gaps in pension savings and the gender pay gap. At Four Wealth Management, we want to help women get their finances back on track.

At Four Wealth Management, our aim is to empower women with financial knowledge to give them confidence to grow and protect their wealth.

Today women have more financial responsibility and family obligations than ever before. We believe women could benefit greatly from working with a financial adviser to help them understand all of their options and create a financial plan with the aim of providing women and their families with long-term financial security.  All our meetings are no-obligation.

The world of finance can be overwhelming and daunting. There are many options to choose from and it can be hard to know which option is best for you. Women come to Four Wealth Management for financial advice at all stages of life. Whether you are taking responsibility of finance for the first time as a result of a bereavement or divorce or if you are a working professional, we can help you to gain control over your finances so you can focus on achieving what matters most to you,

Financial Advice for Women - By Women

Mette Jensen is our female financial adviser at Four Wealth Management who specialises in helping women to achieve their financial goals. Mette helps many successful women with their financial planning. She understands that women in highly successful careers will be working long hours under a lot of pressure, and she wants to remove any stress around women’s finances for them.

Areas we can help with:

Grow your wealth and achieve financial freedom. We provide advice on a range of investments, ISAs, Unit Trusts, Investment Bonds, Pensions and Trusts.


Book a no-obligation financial review at our office in Bristol or your home by phoning 0117 973 0500.

The value of an investment with St. James’s Place will be directly linked to the performance of the funds you select and the value can therefore go down as well as up.  You may get back less than you invested. 

Trusts are not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

Reviewing any existing pensions you have and creating a retirement plan to provide you with income in later life. We can also provide advice on a range of retirement options including Drawdown and Annuities to provide you with the most tax-efficient way to take your income. Women who have taken career breaks to look after children are likely to have much smaller pensions than their partner. We can create long-term solutions to help you bridge this gap.

Simply phone us on 0117 973 0500 to arrange a no-obligation meeting to discuss your retirement options at our office in Aztec West, Bristol or our advisers are happy to meet you in your home throughout the UK.

The value of an investment with St. James’s Place will be directly linked to the performance of the funds you select and the value can therefore go down as well as up.  You may get back less than you invested. 

Personal & business protection to protect your income against death, illness or injury to provide you with peace of mind and financial security.

At Four Wealth Management, we provide holistic financial planning at all stages of your life. Your financial adviser will advise you on estate planning and inheritance tax issues to help achieve the most effective transfer of wealth to your loved ones.

To start or review your existing estate plan, contact us to book a no-obligation face to face review with an experienced adviser on 0117 973 0500.

Financial Advice for Female Business Owners

As a founder and business owner, your financial planning will become more complex as you are now responsible for both your personal and business finances.

Many business owners blur the lines between their personal and business finances with their personal savings being invested into starting the business and the business becoming part of a retirement plan for the owner.

It is vital that women protect their personal and business assets. At Four Wealth Management, we work with many female business owners to create a bespoke asset protection plan to help protect women’s wealth from lawsuits, accidents and various taxes. We understand that business women are busy so we do all of the hard work for you to help create financial security and a plan for the future.

Financial Advice for Women During Divorce

Unfortunately, in modern society, divorce is very common. It can be an emotional and stressful time for women.

A financial adviser at Four Wealth Management can help make sure that you get your fair share of assets during the divorce proceedings by helping with pension sharing orders.

After divorce, it is likely that your short- and long-term financial goals will have changed. To reduce the amount of pressure women are under, a financial adviser at Four Wealth Management can work with you to create a financial plan to help you achieve these new goals. We use cashflow forecasting technology to help you create realistic timeframes for you to achieve these goals.

Financial Advice for Widows

Women’s life expectancy is typically greater than men’s so it is not uncommon for women to outlive their partners. If you are taking responsibility of finance for the first time as a result of a bereavement, then you might not know where to start.


Widows are suddenly responsible for all their assets and have to navigate a new income that is likely to have dropped after the spouse has died. They will need to get on top of the household bills quickly. Financial advice can help you to get back on track quickly and navigate the various tax reliefs and allowances you may be entitled to.